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Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Working for No Regrets Move (Thursday, February 10, 2011)

Working for No Regrets Move (Thursday, February 10, 2011)
VIVAnews - Looking for work is often likened to buying a cat in a sack. You do not know what you will encounter while undergoing a job later.
Therefore, before approving a contract of employment, first make sure whether you really want the job or not. How, do a small analysis of the type of your work. What should you analyze?
1. Profit
Notice any advantage to be gained if working in the new workplace. Start by analyzing how much you get for health benefits, pension funds, and whether such compensation will match the contributions that you provide.
In addition, you also must consider the system of reimbursement, bonuses, working hours, and tools that you get to support the work.
2. Location and transportation
Note the location of the new workplace. If the location is far from your home, compare the cost of transportation back and forth with chances are you can find a place to live closer to the low price.
If there is no possibility of you to get a place to live closer, calculate your costs for transportation. Make sure that cost is still to be covered by salary. And, taking into account also whether you can still save money or not.
Make sure you also include people who do not easily complain of traffic jams due to road conditions because of stress in the morning due to road congestion can affect the mood to work. Also, calculate how much time you need to go and come home from work.
3. Growth opportunities
No one would only lead to one position and do not have the opportunity to develop the quality of life. So, do not hesitate to ask your interviewer, whether the job offered a great opportunity to develop self-potential and the opportunity to increase positions.
4. Work environment
You will work for 9 hours for 5 days every week, meaning you spend most of your time in office. For this reason, it's good to confirm whether a work environment in the new office fits you. Look at the work environment of the dress code, work culture (requires work to be done quickly or casually, hierarchy, or more democratic), whether the vision and mission fit with your company, family, work team or individual.
It must be difficult to know the working environment of the interview that is very formal. However, you can ask for work experience in workers who have first before accepting a job offer to join them.
5. Job security
As a worker it is important to know the system of worker safety. Insurance, whether the company is well established and has no signs of going bankrupt are the things you should look.
Of course you do not want you lose your livelihood away from a bankrupt company.
6. Where will you be ten years from now?
If all you have the analysis, the time to ask yourself. What do you want to accomplish next ten years? It sounds corny, but it is important to know whether the job can take you on your life goals.
If all is perfect, then you will love this new job and will be easier to achieve what is desired. (Pet)

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