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Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Angie Messages Tomb Land the Right Side Adjie (Thursday, February 10, 2011 15:03 pm)

Angie Messages Tomb Land the Right Side Adjie (Thursday, February 10, 2011 15:03 pm)
Feelings of love Angelina Sondakh against Adjie Massaid not just want to be felt in the world, but hopes to assist in the grave and the next natural. Putri Indonesia 2001 that since the death of the deceased are still regularly visits her grave.
Yanto M, a florist subscription Angie revealed that Angelina Sondakh every day come to his stall to buy flowers, before the tomb of her husband.
"It was the sixth day, Ms. Angie always come here, usually come in the morning, do not just come to the tomb mas Adjie, he also came to the tomb of his father mas Adjie," said Yanto M, met in Orange TPU Purut, Orange Purut, Jakarta South, Thursday (10/02/2011).
In talks, Yanto disclose if Angie had reserved land lots right next to her husband's tomb. If the later death came, he wanted to be buried not far from her husband.
"Miss Angie is the message of land next to mas Adjie and maybe this feeling of affection for goldfish Adjie and he wanted to accompany mas
Adjie forever, "he said.
"I also had asked the same Ms. Angie, why are booked now. Says he'll be always near the same mas Adjie, sir," he went on telling stories. (MPA / hen / dar)

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