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Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

Raul Lemos reach for Rp 50 Million To Jas Pengantin

The design of wedding dress artist Kris Kristofferson and Raul Lemos was nearly finished. Both human beings romantic couple is planning to end the single period in the near future. The news that blow among journalists, KD will release status as a widow Anang Hermansyah coincide on Valentine's Day.
The design of wedding dress artist Kris Kristofferson and Raul Lemos was nearly finished. Both human beings romantic couple is planning to end the single period in the near future. The news that blow among journalists, KD will release status as a widow Anang Hermansyah coincide on Valentine's Day.
However, these outstanding issues, still can not be justified entirely accurate. Erwin, one of the staff Brutus fashion house that became a wedding designer Raul, did not dare to give information for certain exactly when the wedding was held Crossfade sister. But the man just to make sure that the wedding will be held in the near future.
"If for kapannya not know but rich in the near future does not know for sure but kapannya," explained Erwin when found in Brutus Rumah Mode Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta (10 / 2).
To prepare the best clothes, the fashion designer, Amin had to work extra hard back and forth to one star hotels to measure quality suits bully.
"If Raul does usually pack Amin who come into their place. Rarely Raul KD ama here. That there is an even Sir amen ngukur Raul jacket into place," said Erwin.
For the designer the extra work, Erwin explained, Raul is expected to spend around 50 million dollars for a single set wool coat with a quality number one.
"If the price is less know dah, but here the hell are definitely the most expensive around 50 million to one set Jas. If Raul does pack the most expensive rich dah mesannya. The material is high-quality wool," added Erwin. (MPA / buj / sjw)

2 komentar:

  1. What a mess! This person needs to go back to school to learn proper usage of English. He should have used a language that he is fluently speaking which is Indonesian.

  2. panas dong if the 'jas' is made from wool, these people are going insane
