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Rabu, 13 April 2011

Thorough LIPI Three Types of caterpillar fur (Wednesday, April 13, 2011 13:48 pm)

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) has received samples from Jember caterpillars and Yogyakarta. There are three species that is accepted by LIPI Lymantria marginalis, Arctonis species (do not know genus), and Cyana veronata.
Caterpillar species''while there are three types that we received,''said researcher Insects LIPI, Rosichon Ubaidillah when contacted Republika, Wednesday (14 / 4). One of the accepted species unknown genus because of having to go through a series of surgeries.
Rosichon said that resilient feathers in lymantridae species already exist in Indonesia.''But the former is not so explosive,''he said. And this is indeed pleased lymantride species eat the mango. So do not be surprised if these caterpillars attack a lot Probolinggo mangga.Ketersediaan hostplan plant trees (food source) is also very decisive situation of the population.
In addition, caterpillar population is highly controlled by biotic and abiotic.''these biotic factors that determine the ups and downs of the population,''explained Rosichon. Among them include parasitoids and predators.
Parasitoit is an insect that prior to adult stage develops on or within the host body (usually insects as well). While predators include mammals such as birds and other insects.

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