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Rabu, 13 April 2011

Reforming Japanese Hair Ala in One Piece (Wed, Apr 13 11:17 AM WIT)

Reforming Japanese Hair Ala in One Piece (Wed, Apr 13 11:17 AM WIT)
Airy room with white interior gives the impression of a clean design in Salon One Piece, in Central Park mall in West Jakarta. The main areas are the chairs that surround the customer with a giant pillar puzzle pieces, opposite to the classical style mirrors. Japanese magazines appear displayed in one part dindingnya.Penataan, maintenance and Japanese style hair cuts is the power of One Piece. This salon, as stated by its Director, Hisato, is a cheaper version of Shunji Matsuo salons in Dharmawangsa Square, Jakarta. Markets that he was headed young children, students and keluarga.Desain 'clean' that appear from the arrangement of the salon was intentional. "his impression was small, hip, but still casual style," said Hisato when found some time ago. With five hairdressers (3 special haircut styles specify in Japan), Hisato also want to give customers an understanding on how to choose a haircut that is appropriate for their appearance.
Typical of Japanese women is that they are very concerned about the 'total look'. Change of season would bring a change of hair color, makeup styles, colors of clothing. Although in Indonesia there is no change of seasons can bring a change of style, there is one thing that Hisato emphasized in choosing a hairstyle that is the adjustment of the head with the final form of hair. Hisato call it '3D hair' than a mere two-dimensional pieces of hair saja.Gaya Japan, according to Hisato, very superior to the displays are feminine and soft. Even so, when customers ask for a more daring or extreme, Hisato did not refuse. He will customize it with other forms of different heads so that the end result is a balanced form of hair. "Show difference of course important, but the texture and shape of the hair when styled more important," said Hisato.Bukan only the shape of the cranium are analyzed Hisato to determine the final form of hair, facial bone structure but also the customer. Because, according to him, the hair forms a profound effect on bone wajah.Keunggulan sharpen or soften the rest of the consultations provided Hisato hair style is the ease of grooming. Structuring the minimum is one of the keys hair styles unique to Japan. The main idea is for the owner of the hair can determine their own style without the hassle of setting to the salon. It was also shown Hisato to me when cutting hair. He shows various styles of arrangement that can I apply with this new hair later. "I tell my customers, just try to compare it with other salons," said Hisato.Selain consulting excellence, there are also technological sophistication offered by One Piece. Before colored, my hair was sprayed with nano steamer. The shape of two hose like hair dryer, but the hair is subject to steam. Nano steamer is in addition to functioning moisturize the hair also makes the hair dye can go faster. Color can also be more durable. According Hisato, nano steamer there are only two in Indonesia, namely in the two branches of Shunji Matsuo salons.
The process of hair coloring in One Piece was different. With the 40s more types of colors available, there would be the most appropriate mix with skin color. Japanese style that focuses on 'total look' is very concerned with accuracy and suitability of hair color with skin color. Thus, the color that will emerge from each customer, even though they chose the same color, will be different because it highlights different. And in accordance with the mission '3D hair' of Hisato, he was concerned how the proper selection of highlights can give effect to the glow of rambut.Tentunya all the expertise and technological excellence comes at a price. Even so, One Piece still promising a more affordable price for young children.

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